The Whist Club meets every last Tuesday in the month at 7 p.m.
This event is a very friendly social evening. No partners needed. Cost is only £3.00 plus raffle.
Dates for 2024:
30th January, 27th February, 26th March, 30th April, 28th May, 25th June, 30th July, 27th August,
24th September, 29th October, 26th November. There is no whist in December.
Report for 2024
The Whist Club meets every last Tuesday of the month all except December. Although we are sown to 22 members we still enjoy a good game of cards. You do not have to have a partner to play as we can always find you somebody. In November members still enjoy a Fish and Chip supper when we celebrate our Christmas event.
Margaret Nicholson.