Chairman’s Welcome____________________
Minutes from previous AGM Proposed____Seconded______
Matters Arising
Chairman’s Report________________
Secretary’s Report________________
Treasurer’s Report_______________
Appointment of the auditor
Entertainment Report____________________
Communication and Media Report (
ARCA Club Reports
Bowls Club _______ Craft Club _______ Whist________ TASC________ SDHS__________ Parish Council_________ Soft Furnishings________ WI_______ Canterbury Flower Club________
Introduction of existing committee members_______________________________________________________________-
Nomination for Committee
Chairman_______________ Proposed by________________ Seconded by______________
Secretary_______________ Proposed by________________ Seconded by______________
Treasurer_______________ Proposed by________________ Seconded by______________
Club Representatives
Bowls_____Miss J.Webb Craft___Mrs M. Nicholson SDHS_____Mr P.Whitcombe Whist_____Mrs M. Nicholson Any Other_____
Individual Member Representatives
Mr A.Green Mrs D.Green Mrs R.Whitcombe Mrs M.Gilbert Mr D.Dawes
Any Other Business?
Subscription Charges ? Currently £5 per person
Future Events-List on the table
Enjoy the cheese and wine!